
Looking for top quality Ornamental mother Plants

  Looking for top quality Ornamental mother  Plants   In order to propagate ornamental plants. I have to search for the best quality mother plants. Below are the places I visited in search for ornamental mother plants. 1. Luna La Union Spotting rare varieties As a buyer you should be familiarized with the different varieties of ornamental plants. Knowing common types to rare  types. 2. Balaoan , La Union Price  negotiation In buying mother plants you have to apply your marketing skills in order to get a good deal.  

Source of Ornamental Plants

 Source of Ornamental Plants  In my search for my mother plan I have travel to different places . The picture above is taken in a ornamental farm in Luna ,La Union , Philippines. You can also find different types of ornamental plants in Balaoan , La Union I have taken this photos in Balaon La Union

Ornamental Plants

                                         ORNAMENTAL PLANTS  Propagated in Tarong , San Pascual Tuba , Benguet Philippines   Here are some examples of ornamental plants in the San Pascual  Tuba , Benguet ,Philippines that you can possibly buy and decorate your place with. These plants will make your house filled with natural life. It would feel a bit dull to see wooden furniture, concrete structures without a touch of nature.  So here are some of the decorative plants found in  San Pascual  Tuba , Benguet ,Philippines 1.  Calathea Makoyana Thai The Peacock plant, also known as Calathea makoyana , is a beautiful tropical houseplant, famed for its beautiful, contrasting green and purplish-red leaves that will brighten up any indoor living space. 2.  Epipremnum aureum   Common Name(s):   Devil's Ivy Devil's Vine Golden Pothos Ivy Aru...